fourth estate Synonyms, antonyms, and rhymes Big Huge Thesaurus
Affair of the Diamond Necklace , in which the queen was unjustly accused of having formed an immoral relationship with a cardinal. The scandal discredited the monarchy and encouraged the nobles to vigorously oppose (1787–88) all the financial reforms advocated by the king’s ministers. This incident was all the more unfortunate for the queen’s reputation because, since the birth of her daughter Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte in December 1778 and of the dauphin Louis in October 1781, she led a quieter and more conventional life.
Popular hatred of the queen provided impetus for the storming of the Tuileries Palace and the overthrow of the monarchy on August 10, 1792. Antoine Barnave and Theodore and Alexandre de Lameth. Barnave and the Lameth brothers were anxious to check the progress of republicanism and to bring the Revolution to a close, and they gathered like minds under the banner of the Club of the Feuillants. The Synonyms and Antonyms form an integral part of the English Language. Acquaintance with the vocabulary of the English language is a necessity for effective expression either in written or in an oral from. Synonyms are nothing but the similar meanings of a particular word or its semantic relation.
something, as land and assets, legally possessed
Antonyms for the term “net taxable estate” would include words such as “non-taxable,” “exempt,” and “tax-free.” These words refer to items or assets that are not subject to taxation upon inheritance or transfer. Other antonyms might include “restricted,” “frozen,” or “unavailable” assets that cannot be included in the calculation of the net taxable estate. A major social class, such as the clergy, the nobility, or the commons, formerly possessing distinct political rights. Here’s a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.
Lamballe refused to take an oath against the monarchy, and on September 3, 1792, she was delivered to the hands of a Parisian mob; they cut off her head and paraded it on a pike outside Marie-Antoinette’s windows. Louis XVI was executed on orders from the National Convention in January 1793, and in August the queen was put in solitary confinement in the Conciergerie. She was brought before the Revolutionary tribunal on October 14, 1793, and was guillotined two days later. Comte de Mirabeau, a prominent member of the National Assembly who hoped to restore the authority of the crown. She never fully trusted Mirabeau, however, and the king refused to contemplate a civil war, which would have been the inevitable result of Mirabeau’s initial plans.
More antonyms for Estate
The amount, degree, or nature of a person’s interest in land or other property. One’s property, both real and personal, vested and contingent, especially as disposed of in a will. A landed property, usually of considerable size. We wanted a firm economy, estate antonyms reasonable real estate costs, and a good school system. Marie-Antoinette spent the remainder of her life in Parisian prisons. The princess de Lamballe, who remained loyal to the queen throughout the Revolution, was imprisoned along with her.
Her other court expenditures contributed—though to a minor degree—to the huge debt incurred by the French state in the 1770s and ’80s. As queen, Marie-Antoinette was always unpopular. She spent lavishly, but her extravagance was only a minor cause of France’s growing debt in the 1770s and ’80s. Because of Louis XVI’s indecisiveness, Marie-Antoinette played an increasingly prominent political role.
Synonyms & Antonyms : Quantity
They called for an escape to the interior of France and an appeal for royalist support in the provinces. After Mirabeau’s death in April 1791, the queen turned to émigrés and friends outside France for help. They arranged for the king and queen to escape from Paris on the night of June 20, but Revolutionary forces apprehended the royal couple at Varennes and escorted them back to Paris. In foreign policy, she encountered the opposition of both Louis XVI and Vergennes in her efforts to advance Austrian interests, and it is certain that her brother, Emperor Joseph II, was gravely disappointed at her lack of success. Even her indulgence of the persistent requests of her favourites, such as Yolande de Polastron, comtesse de Polignac, did not entail a great drain on the treasury.
Marie-Antoinette was not, at that time, interested in politics except as a way of securing favours for her friends, and her political influence never exceeded that formerly wielded by the royal mistresses of Louis XV. A large piece of land owned by one person or a group of people etc. A major political or social group or class, esp. one once having specific political powers, as the clergy, nobles, and commons in France or the Lords Spiritual, Lords Temporal, and commons in England. Trying to find opposite word for estate in English?
What is the synonym of estate?
- area.
- farm.
- parcel.
- plantation.
- ranch.
- residence.
- acreage.
- demesne.
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